Claysburg Education Foundation

Claysburg Education Foundation Summary of Income and Expenses

Since Inception 7 Years Ago

Since inception in July 2014 through December 31, 2021, the Foundation has received donations and been instrumental in other awards totaling $977,724 in slightly less than 7 years.

Expenditure totals were $651,625 and do not include securing the $100,000 of laptop computers in 2020 for Claysburg-Kimmel and do not include the direct donation of $65,000 to the Learning Lamp for a pre-K program. With them the grand total expenditures is  $816,629.

Our Work - Helping with Education Financially

The goal of the Claysburg Education Foundation is to help our Claysburg area students, and it begins with donations.  They come from a variety of sources such as individuals, businesses, from EITC tax credits from businesses, scholarship  accounts, memorials and from individuals with a specific goal in mind such as STEM.

The bulk of our expenditures has been directly helping students from Claysburg-Kimmel mainly in two areas related to STEM and more specifically Technology as well as other Claysburg-Kimmel programs.

For the future and beyond, we are in the financial position of directing monies to many different areas.   Your contribution efforts have put the Claysburg Education Foundation on a very firm footing for the future.  

Thank you!

Claysburg Education Foundation Summary of Income and Expenses Since Inception

7 Years - Started July 17, 2014 through December 31, 2021


For the year 2021, the Foundation has received income and donations of $123,404 and paid to the Claysburg-Kimmel School District for the year of 2021 a total of $111,923 plus $6,000 to the Claysburg Area Public Library and $6,683 for administrative expenses for a total of $124,606 for the year.

Claysburg Education Foundation Summary of Income and Expenses

Since Inception 7+ Years Ago

Since inception in July 2014 through March 31, 2022, the Foundation has received donations and been instrumental in other awards totaling $1,250,070 in the last 7+ years.

Expenditure totals were $752,842 and do not include securing the $100,000 of laptop computers in 2020 for Claysburg-Kimmel and do not include the direct donation of $65,000 to the Learning Lamp for a pre-K program. With them the grand total expenditures is  $917,842.

Summary of Income and Expenses

January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021